Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Welcome to Caster Form

Good to see you! (and what a surprise it is that you found your way here)

This is my attempt at a WoW blog. I often find myself discussing theoretical and practical issues regarding WoW with other players, I sometimes get asked for advice, and this will be the place for me to share the thoughts that occur to me during those conversations with a wider audience (or so one hopes).

A little bit about me, before I start writing proper blog entries.


Borke - resto / balance druid, 80

This is my current main character, and the inspiration for the name of this blog. My focus is on the two spell casting specs of druids, although I try to keep broadly up to date with the feral theorycrafting basics as well. The last time I seriously used bear or cat form was at level 70!

Gormane - resto shaman, 80

This was my main character throughout TBC, and I raided with him almost exclusively as resto (although by the end, my elemental gear was pretty well developped, too, and I put it to use occasionally). These days, although I leveled Gormane to 80, I'm not playing him much.

Greamon - death knight, 80

Like so many people, I tested out a death knight in WotLK. It was quite entertaining (can anyone say "faceroll"?), and so he made it to level 80. I geared him as a tank, and he saw quite a bit of Naxx 25, ToS etc. before the arrival of Ulduar. I don't play him much, these days, though, only if anyone badly needs a tank for some heroics.

Rational - rogue, 80

My current "alt project", my rogue has seen Naxx 25 and some Ulduar 10.

Gornak - hunter, 72

I'm mentioning this alt, because he was my original main, back in vanilla WoW. Other hunters will feel my pain when I say that he's been through a lot of specs in his time. I've still got a lot of fond memories of raiding with Gornak, but these days the hunter playstyle just doesn't fit me any more.

Guild and raiding history

Black Dragon Yakuza

What started out originally as a leveling guild, eventually even made it to Zul'Gurub guild runs (and of course UBRS runs, which was still a hot thing back then!). After a while, the guild fell apart, but quite a few of the former members made it into proper raiding guilds, including me!

The Dominion

I joined The Dominion when they already had Molten Core and Blackwing Lair on farm, and were progressing in AQ40. Eventually we killed C'Thun (before the arrival of Naxxramas), and in the original Naxxramas we cleared 3 wings, but got stuck on Gothik the Harvester (who wasn't a pushover back then).


Shortly after the launch of TBC, I went on a 5 month or so break, and when I came back, I was far behind in gear (and experience) in The Dominion, so I left and joined a slightly less progressed guild, Rising. We made our way through SSC and TK and unlocked MH and BT, before they were opened to the public! I also, after a few months, became the guild leader of Rising, and under my management we eventually proceeded to clear MH and BT, and even kill Kalecgos and Brutallus (pre-nerf). Alas, Felmyst proved to be more than we could chew, and WotLK was on the horizon, so we left it there.

The Dominion (again)

A short while after WotLK launched, I went back to The Dominion, and here I am now. We are happily progressing through the current content (6/9 hardmodes in Ulduar 25, 9/9 hardmodes + Algalon in Ulduar 10, and now we are running against the wall that is "Northrend Beasts heroic" on 25).

What to expect in this blog?

As you can see, my focus is on PvE raiding. You can expect some discussion of resto and balance raiding theory and practical experience, as well as raiding theory and strategy in general. Furthermore, there may be the occasional article about guild leadership and the various problems assiciated with it. And finally, though I don't expect to break any general WoW news here, I will certainly comment on general hot topics, when others break them ;)

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